Colgate Total Honesty

Agency: Burson / Client: Colgate

73% of people admit that they have lied to their dentist. To bring this statistic to life, Burson partnered with Colgate to create az to reveal the biggest lies New Yorkers have told their dentist.

We placed a specially designed booth in a high traffic area, where passersby could come clean and freely admit the fibs they’ve told their dentist— no matter how small or absurd, and with no judgment. The testimonials filmed were shared across Colgate's shared and owned channels with the person’s identity hidden by a red circle and the Colgate smile graphic helping to start a larger conversation about dental anxiety.

Over a three day period, over 1000 participants entered the booth and were guided through the experience, by being fed a series of questions that ask them about lies they have told their dentist. The final result was an attention getting experience that intrigues passersby as soon as they spot it—even from a block away, while educating the public on the importance of being truthful with your dentist.

This activation was covered by multiple press outlets including BuzzFeed, The Today Show, Good Housekeeping, Fast Company, The New York Times, Live with Kelly and Ryan and Good Morning America.



